About Cody

As a young, working class, LGBTQIA+ student and activist who is running for office outside of the two major parties, Cody has never shied away from an uphill battle. Cody is a committed advocate for people, planet, and peace, and he is ready to both work with and stand against the Democrats and Republicans in the AZ Legislature in order to fight for the needs of working class Arizonans and our environment. To learn more about Cody, what he believes in, and why he’s running, click the button below.

Where WE Stand

raise the minimum wage to a true living wage 

Defend Reproductive Freedom & the right to an abortion 

fight for Bold climate action & a green new deal for az 

fully fund And support our public schools & educators 

reform our elections & make our democracy free, fair, & inclusive 

END The failed war on drugs & treat addiction as a public health issue 

codify equal rights & Protections for the LGBTQIA+ community 

Increase Access To & supply of affordable/ public housing 

Conserve our Natural resources & ensure sustainable management 

demand Universal healthcare & end medical debt 

Donate today!

Our campaign has pledged to refuse any and all contributions from corporations, super PACs, lobbyists, and special interest groups. We are reliant on your grassroots funding and support to keep our campaign operational and competitive!

A Message from cody

“My name is Cody Hannah, and I am running as a Green Party candidate for the AZ State House of Representatives in Legislative District 13 to give a political voice to a younger and more progressive generation of Arizonans. I believe that Arizona belongs to all of us; and as such, we should all feel represented- both in identity, and in policy goals- by our State government."

"We are living in a period of unfathomable economic and social inequalities as a result of decades of the corporate-controlled Democratic and Republican Parties' stranglehold on our government. Additionally, the policies of both major parties have devastated our local ecosystems, upset the balance of nature, and driven us to the brink of ecological collapse. The people of Arizona are waking up to these truths and beginning to reject the false choice between the two major parties, and it is my hope that our Green Party campaign for State Representative in LD-13 can instead offer Arizona voters a true choice on their ballot to vote for the greater good instead of the 'lesser evil'.”

"I am asking you to please join us in the fight for a Clean and Green Arizona that puts the interests of people, planet, and peace over profits. This campaign is about building the beginnings of a transformational and grassroots movement of Arizonans to organize and reclaim their power, and to demand the policies that working families, our economy, and our environment need to survive and thrive for future generations.”

In Solidarity,

Cody Hannah

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